Here's the fight as I saw it.-Green are the round scores as I scored it, red is important text like a cut, great punch or knockdown.
Round 1- Shavers comes out aggressively with Lyle moving
backward, which was not his normal style. Ron must be aware of Earnie's
huge power. Shavers lands a nice right against Lyle while Lyle is trying
to hold. Shavers is landing the better blows, but Lyle comes back with
a small flurry at the end of the round.
Shavers Round- 10-9
Round 2- Lyle comes out pawing with his jab. No real action
in this round, they are wary of each others punch. Shavers
lands a devastating left hook and LYLE GOES DOWN. He rises unsure of his
surroundings at the count of 9. The bell rings and Lyle is saved from a
sure pummeling.
Shavers Round- 10-8 (20-17)
Round 3- Shavers comes out looking to end it. He is wailing away to Lyle on the ropes. Lyle is covering up trying to get his senses back. Lyle fights back and stuns Shavers with a quick left-right combination, the crowd is going crazy. Shavers Round- 10-9 (30-26) Shavers
Round 4- Lyle comes out the aggressor for the first time and Shavers is against the ropes. Lyle hurts Shavers again, and Shavers comes back with a huge right that nearly sends Ron down, what incredible action. Even Round- 10-10 (40-36) Shavers
Round 5- Lyle comes out fast again and Shavers is retreating for the first time. Lyle is punching more now and gaining confidence. Lyle with a punishing combination and Shavers is hurt bad again from another right. Shavers looks out of gas. Lyle's Round- 10-9 (49-46) Shavers
Round 6- Shavers comes out of his
corner seemingly groggy. Shavers misses and is countered well. Lyle
lands a lightning bolt right!!, Shavers is staggering, he's hit with
6 straight punches!! SHAVERS IS KNOCKED COLD. He's not getting up. Lyle
comes of the deck to knockout Earnie Shavers.
This fight was an absolute war and
one of the better action fights I've seen. Both fighters could hurt the
other with any punch seemingly and they bombed away at each other with
complete recklessness. Shavers lack of endurance caught up with him after
he punched himself out. Earnie was not close to being done though and would
have two title opportunities later in his career. Ron Lyle would fight
his epic war with George Foreman in his next bout and would never be the
same after it. On this night, Lyle was the king of Denver.