Here's the fight as I saw it.-Green are the round scores as I scored it, red is important text like a cut, great punch or knockdown.
Round 1- Ellis comes out and hits
Shavers with a nice shot and seems to stun Earnie early in the round. Shavers
still moving forward in usual fashion however. Ellis is trying to knock
Shavers out here early. They are in close and SHAVERS THROWS A HUGE
RIGHT UPPERCUT!! ELLIS IS DOWN, and it doesn't look like he's gonna make
the count. He doesn't make it, Earnie Shavers with a 1 round KO over Jimmy
Shavers-KO 1
This fight showed the huge power of Earnie Shavers for the first time to the Madison Square Garden crowd. It appeared that Shavers had been stun by Ellis before he knocked him out, but Earnie had such power that Ellis couldn't take the one punch that he was hit with. Earnie Shavers would learn that an all-out style could help and hurt him against up-coming opponents. Shavers would go on to have wars with many of the all-time great fighters. Jimmy Ellis was on the backstretch of a good career and would still have one more fight with Joe Frazier and call it quits about two years after this fight going 2-4-1 in his last 7 fights.