Here's the fight as I saw it.-Green are the round scores as I scored it, red is important text like a cut, great punch or knockdown.
Round 1- Shavers wades in fast to start, Quarry backing up a bit, both are throwing heavy blows. Shavers lands a nice right and Quarry holds a bit. Quarry digs to the body, then he lands a huge right to the temple, Shavers is hurt real bad, Quarry wailing away with both hands to end it. Two great left hooks from Quarry, SHAVERS IS DOWN, he gets up at the count of 8, but looks like he has no idea where he is. Quarry swarms again and Shavers is defenseless, the referee stops it. Jerry Quarry with a first round knockout!! Quarry-TKO 1
This fight was a complete shock.
Shavers was on a roll with the knockouts, but it was he who was knocked
out in the first this time. Quarry landed a right hand right on the temple
and Shavers never regained his composure. Shavers even said after the fight
that he was caught and there was nothing he could do. Quarry was near the
end of his career and this was really his last big win. He would lose to
Joe Frazier in 1974 and Ken Norton in 1975 and retire in 1977. Shavers
would have trouble rebounding from this loss and lose to Bob Stallings
the next year. He would go on to fight many rousing battles with great
fighters like Ron Lyle and Larry Holmes in the years to come.