Here's the fight as I saw it.-Green are the round scores as I scored it, red is important text like a cut, great punch or knockdown.
Round 1- The fighters start out measuring each other.
Shavers tries to pin Norton against the ropes and fire shots. Norton lands
a nice left hand to Shavers cheek. Shavers comes
back with a left and right uppercut. Norton is hurt, he's in big trouble.
Shavers moves in and lands another uppercut and NORTON IS DOWN, KEN NORTON
IS DOWN. He rises at the count of 6 real rubber legged. Shavers goes forward
and scores with a huge right uppercut, NORTON IS DOWN AGAIN. The referee
stops it, Earnie Shavers wins by a fabulous first round TKO.
Shavers-TKO 1
With Earnie Shavers fighting anything
could happen because of his huge power. Shavers landed several shots and
Norton was going backward from the very start. Ken Norton was not a backward
fighter and this was a problem for him against the huge punchers of the
division. He didn't adapt well to going backwards, and if he went forwards,
he would be playing into the punchers hands. Earnie Shavers got a title
fight against Larry Holmes soon after this fight and would show his huge
power again in one last hurrah. Ken Norton was effectively finished and
went 1-1-1 in his last 3 fights to end his great career.