Round 1- Norton comes out moving forward. Nothing really happening yet as both fighters measure each other. Ali lands a few small shots. Ali forces the action more at the end of the round landing good shots and controlling the action with his quickness. Ali's Round- 10-9
Round 2- Norton pressing forward and jabbing well with
Ali. Nice jabs to the body from Norton, Ken is staying real bust this round
while Ali not doing much and content with covering up.
Norton's Round- 10-9 (19-19)
Round 3- Norton jabbing to Ali, Ali returns the favor.
Norton scores to the body, but Muhammad comes back behind a nice jab. Norton
trying to pick the pace up a bit near the end of the round.
Even Round- 10-10 (29-29)
Round 4- Good right from Ali to begin the round. Combination from Ali landed, Ali is giving no angle for Norton to land. Norton moves forward and lands a real good right, Norton moves in well and scores with a series of shots, tough close round. Norton's Round- 10-9 (39-38) Norton
Round 5- Nice body shot from Norton. Norton doing great work while Ali is against the ropes. The rope-a-dope won't work with Kenny. Ali trying to fight off the ropes but is getting caught by good shots in this round. Norton's Round- 10-9 (49-47) Norton
Round 6- Norton jabbing well and lands two good shots. Ali lands a nice right hand over the top, Norton still punishing the body and lands a vicious left to Ali's mid-section Ali winces. Norton really controlling the action now. Norton's Round- 10-9 (59-56) Norton
Round 7- Norton moving forward and digging body shots.
Good left reply from Ali, Ali lands a nice right and he is scoring better
this round and is starting to fight better as he usually does in the middle
Ali's Round- 10-9 (68-66)
Round 8- Ali lands a combination early in the round then sinks into the corner. Norton digs vicious shots Ali's body and Ali covers up low. Norton lands a good left hook to Ali's jaw and follows with a good right as well. Norton's Round- 10-9 (78-75) Norton
Round 9- Ali comes out on his bicycle for the first time and does the Ali shuffle. Ali not really landing while he is moving but neither is Norton. Nice right hand from Ali, Norton frustrated by Ali's movement. Big right hand from Norton but Ali more busy. Ali's Round- 10-9 (87-85) Norton
Round 10- Ali moving again, Norton is not able to get
to him. Norton jabs to him and lands good body shots. Ali still doing better
with his movement and keeping the challenger of balance.
Ali's Round- 10-9 (96-95)
Round 11- Norton wades in then changes up and does the
rope-a-dope himself. Ali looks bewildered when he can't land. Norton coming
forward and Ali fending him off with straight rights. Ali with a right
to Norton's head, but Ken comes back with a big right that has Ali holding.
Norton ends with effective jabs.
Even Round- 10-10 (106-105)
Round 12- Norton lands a nice jab, Ali strikes back with
a combination. Norton lands a huge right that buckles
Ali's legs. Norton landing while Ali is against
the ropes. Norton is effectively aggressive, Ali seems to inadvertently
thumb Norton in the eye and Ken paws at his eye to end the round.
Norton's Round- 10-9 (116-114)
Round 13- Nice right hand
to start the round from Norton. Jabs from Norton and good shots from Ken
to Ali's belly. Right from Ali momentarily
stuns Norton, Ali is moving his hands and
landing. Norton fires back, but Ali is landing the cleaner blows late in
the round. Close round, Ali coming on strong late.
Ali's Round- 10-9 (125-124)
Round 14- Nice jab from Norton to begin the round. Norton lands to the body. Ali strikes back with quick left right combinations, Ali is taking the fight to Norton in the middle of the ring. Ali is coming on late in the round again. Norton lands a big right to end the round. Ali's Round- 10-9 (134-134) even
Round 15- Norton comes forward and Ali is jabbing and moving. Norton lands a huge right which stops Ali momentarily. Ali is moving but not connecting at all. Norton is pushing forward and lands a big right and is flurrying at the bell to win the round well. Norton's Round 10-9 (144-143) Norton is my decision.
Official decision in rounds
8-7 Ali
8-7 Ali
8-6-1 Ali Unanimous Decision Muhammad
Ali-U Dec 15
This fight was a barn burner the
whole way. I had Norton winning the fight and I watched it two times and
scored the exact same way both times. The official score and mine were
one round off so I figure maybe round 11 or 3 was scored for Ali, but I
feel good with my decision. One round is all it took to sway this fight.
Muhammad Ali had a couple more title defenses in him before he retired
and came back to try to win the title again. Ken Norton was very upset
with the decision and really though he one this fight. Honestly he could
say he won all three if he wanted to. The ones he lost were really that
close and Ken Norton was toughest fight for Ali. I realize many people
say it's Joe Frazier, but Ken Norton just had the style that Ali could
not whip. Norton would get a title under strange circumstances when he
won an elimination bout with Jimmy Young and Leon Spinks wouldn't fight
him. These three fights were legendary.