Round 1- Holmes starts with his great jab to Shavers head, Shavers is a little wild early and not effective. Shavers throws his huge right and hits all air, Holmes busier this round. Holmes's Round- 10-9
Round 2- Holmes comes out jabbing
again and snapping back Earnie's head. Holmes is so effective with that
long jab. Shavers can't even get off his shots yet. Shavers wades in but
can't land flush.
Holmes Round- 10-9 (20-18)
Round 3- Holmes is on his bicycle and moving well to start. Shavers is throwing more punches but still not landing yet. Holmes controlling the fight well. Shavers lands with a nice right to the body, the fight is starting to open up a bit. Holmes Round- 10-9 (30-27) Holmes
Round 4- Holmes with great crisp jabs to open the round. Shavers missing wildly, these rounds all look very much the same. Holmes lands a good right uppercut, Shavers just can't get started. Holmes stuns Shavers with a good right. Holmes Round- 10-9 (40-36) Holmes
Round 5- Holmes looking to set down his punches. Shavers closing the distance and doing better getting in. Holmes stuns Shavers with uppercuts. Holmes has caused a cut to Shavers eye near the end of the round. Holmes Round- 10-9 (50-45) Holmes
Round 6- Holmes on his bicycle again, Larry Holmes is putting on a show. Great boxing lesson, Holmes is scoring well. Holmes almost gets caught with a big right. Shavers starting to throw caution to the wind. Shavers eye is being picked apart by Larry's jab. Holmes Round- 10-9 (60-54) Holmes
Round 7- Holmes comes out a little slower but still jabbing. Shavers cuts are getting bad. Shavers lands a clubbing right. Shavers lands another big right and stuns Holmes. Holmes trying to move away. Shavers lands a colossal right, right on the button, HOLMES IS DOWN. Holmes is up at the count of 4, there is about a minute left. Holmes is wobbling all over the ring. He's hit with another right. He barely escapes the round, the crowd is going crazy. Shavers Round- 10-8 (68-64) Holmes
Round 8- Shavers comes out slowly. he may have punched himself out. Holmes moving around the ring on his toes. Shavers lands to the body. Holmes lands a good right, now Shavers is stunned and real tired. Holmes Round- 10-9 (78-73) Holmes
Round 9- Jabs from Holmes, a right from Larry, Shavers is hurt against the ropes. Holmes with a great uppercut. Shavers is wobbled, Shavers knocks down Holmes out of nowhere with a quick right. The referee rules it a slip, questionable call. Holmes Round- 10-9 (88-82) Holmes
Round 10- Shavers
is wobbled by a quick right, he's exhausted. Holmes is hitting Earnie with
every shot in the book. Shavers with a combination,
Holmes lures him in and clocks him with a right, what a war!
Holmes Round- 10-9 (98-91)
Round 11- Shavers is out on his
feet. Holmes stuns Shavers with another uppercut,
Shavers is in bad shape, Shavers getting hit with great combinations, the
referee steps in it's over. Holmes is the winner.
Holmes TKO-11
This fight was an incredible test
of wills. Although Holmes won nearly every round, he was tested and hit
with one of the best punches I've ever seen. The right hand that Shavers
hit Holmes with in the 7th round was a punch for the ages, and even more
incredible was that Holmes got up and went on to win the fight. Larry Holmes
after this went on to defend his title 16 more times and prove himself
as one of the great ones with an iron chin. Shavers was effectively done
after this fight. He fought 20 more times with a record of 14-6 with 10
ko's but was never again a factor in the heavyweight division.