Round 1- Ellis comes out jabbing. Frazier misses with his huge left hook. Ellis lands a nice right to Frazier's jaw. Ellis lands another right, Frazier digs a left hook to the body. Ellis jabs well to end the round, good work from Ellis. Ellis Round- 10-9
Round 2- Ellis lands a nice jab. Frazier looking to step inside, but Ellis is tying him up. Frazier is near butting on the inside and the referee warns him. Frazier swarms inside and lands two nice hooks, Ellis is staggered a little bit. Close Round. Even Round- 10-10 (20-19) Ellis
Round 3- Ellis is snapping the jab and right combination. Good hook from Frazier. Frazier nails Ellis with a hook and Ellis is holding, Frazier lands well. Another huge left hook, Ellis is really hurt and staggering. Frazier is wailing away with hooks, great action. Frazier's Round- 10-8 (29-28) Frazier
Round 4- Ellis begins with a good right, he ties up again fast before Joe can fire a hook. Ellis a nice uppercut. Frazier digs to the body, then to the head, they are fighting on the inside. Ellis lands a nice right, Frazier lands a nice right as well. Frazier a classic bombing left hook. ELLIS IS DOWN. Ellis gets up at the count of 7. Another beauty of a hook from Frazier, DOWN GOES ELLIS FOR THE SECOND TIME. The bell sounds and Ellis is saved. Frazier's Round- 10-7 (39-35) Frazier
The trainer for Ellis tells him
he's stopping it. Joe Frazier can now really say he's champion of the world!
Frazier-TKO 4
Frazier won his title with his
vaunted hook, and Ellis just couldn't escape it. Frazier was on the way
to fighting in many classic bouts including 3 against Muhammad Ali. Ellis
would never again fight for the title but would be on the heavyweight scene
for another 5 years. Frazier was showing the pressure and punching that
would give him the nickname Smokin Joe.