Here's the fight as I saw it.-Green are the round scores as I scored it, red is important text like a cut, great punch or knockdown.
Round 1- Foreman comes out moving forward in his usual
style. Norton is going backwards trying to stay away from George's thundering
shots. Norton usually moves forward so this is a little awkward for him.
Foreman lands a nice uppercut and then another, Norton moving backward.
Foreman lands to the body and to the head well. Foreman lands with the
jab. Norton is getting hit a lot early.
Foreman's Round- 10-9
Round 2- Foreman pressing forward and landing the jab.
Foreman lands a big uppercut, Norton's hurt. Another
uppercut, NORTON IS DOWN. He gets up at the count of 5, looks relatively
composed. Foreman pours in again and lands another uppercut, NORTON IS
DOWN AGAIN. He gets up at the count of 8, he doesn't look good now. Foreman
comes forward a left uppercut, a right, a left, NORTON IS DOWN FOR THE
THIRD TIME, a devastating sequence of shots that left Norton in a heap.
Norton tries to get up again, but is unable to stand upright. It's all
over. Foreman-TKO 2
This perforamance was another unbelievable
display of power. After Norton was down the third time, Foreman would stand
in the corner near Norton peering at him, it looked as if Foreman was the
best fighter of all time. Foreman was a machine, and it looked to just
be starting to roll. Norton came back after this bad defeat to fight in
many more good fights and he would finally win his championship in 1978
through legal troubles and Leon Spinks. Norton was a good fighter who didn't
match up style wise with Foreman. Foreman would lose his title in his next
fight to Muhammad Ali. He came back with stirring performances against
Ron Lyle and Joe Frazier later in his career, but on this night Foreman
was king.