Here's the fight as I saw it.-Green are the round scores as I scored it, red is important text like a cut, great punch or knockdown.
Round 1- Frazier lands a decent left hook to start the fight. Foreman lands a little uppercut and they exchange jabs. Foreman catches Frazier with a stabbing right uppercut, FRAZIER GOES DOWN. Joe Frazier is sent down to the canvas in the very first round. Frazier rises at the count of three. Foreman moves and lands three huge shots to Frazier's chin. He's bobbin right into the power punches of Foreman. Foreman lands another big right and Frazier is wobbling. Foreman lands a huge straight right and FRAZIER FALLS AGAIN!!! Joe gets up again is trying to move away. Foreman pushes forward and looks for the kill, he lands another huge right uppercut, FRAZIER FALLS DOWN AGAIN!!! He rises at the count of 6 and goes wobbly back to his corner. Foreman's Round- 10-7
Round 2-Foreman is jabbing and lands
a colossal right hand. FRAZIER IS DOWN AGAIN! Joe Frazier is not able to
avoid these huge shots from George. George is going forward, he looks unstoppable
he lands two vicious uppercuts, FRAZIER FALLS DOWN TO THE CANVAS FOR THE
5TH TIME. Frazier rises unaware seemingly of his surroundings. Foreman
comes forward and throws big shots to Frazier's chin. JOE GOES DOWN AGAIN.
He gets up at the count of 7 but the referee stops the fight and George
Foreman is the new champion. Joe Frazier is unable to continue, George
Foreman wins by second round TKO. Foreman-TKO
If there was ever anyone that looked
unstoppable it was George Foreman on this night. He wasn't destroying Boone
Kirkman or Ted Gullick, this was one of the best fighters of all time Joe
Frazier. Foreman showed his complete arsenal in one of the most dominating
fights in history. Frazier had no defense because he had to get inside
to get his shots off and Foreman was pot shotting Joe as he came in. George
Foreman was king of the world. Joe Frazier would never again be world champion,
but would several more great fights in his career, although he would only
go 3-3-1 in the last seven fights of his career. Foreman would look awesome
again in his next two performances until meeting Muhammad Ali and the rope-a-dope.
After this Foreman would continue a great career with some more firework
laden performances.