Round 1- Lyle comes out as the boxer and uses the jab
and Ali is covering up. Ali is clowning and the crowd boos. Ali misses
a jab and a right. A real boring round that was pushed by Lyle.
Lyle's Round- 10-9
Round 2- Ali with a jab to start. Lyle lands a couple
body shots and there is very little action. Lyle lands a nice quick right.
Both fighters are doing mostly nothing, Ali lands a jab.
Even Round- 10-10 (20-19)
Round 3- Lyle comes out with little jabs. Ali is not doing much of anything, but he lands a quick right. Lyle lands his own right and then lands another right. Lyle's Round- 10-9 (30-28) Lyle
Round 4- Lyle jabbing and lands a little right. Ali doing nothing still and gets hit with a body shot. Lyle winning the rounds by being more active. Lyle's Round- 10-9 (40-37) Lyle
Round 5- Lyle connects with a good right to the body.
Ali is on his toes and jabbing here all of a sudden. He's missing a lot
though but still lands a decent right to Lyle's jaw. Ali is snapping the
jab this round.
Ali's Round- 10-9 (49-47)
Round 6- Ali is on his bicycle now, but not landing. Lyle
lands a couple punches to Ali in the corner. Lyle with a decent body shot
after Ali lands a jab, one of his only clean punches of the round.
Lyle's Round- 10-9 (59-56)
Round 7- Lyle lands with a couple jabs, followed by an Ali jab. Ali is really letting rounds slip away. He does land a jab and a right. Lyle lands a good right and body shot. Ali is doing a little more this round but not enough, Lyle may be slowing a step. Lyle's Round- 10-9 (69-65) Lyle
Round 8- Lyle jabs and lands a right. Ali follows with a right of his own. Ali is sticking the jab this round. Ali is scoring well and lands two sharp right hands. Lyle lands a nice right and the two fighters exchange right hands to end the round. Ali's Round- 10-9 (78-75) Lyle
Round 9- Ali on his toes a little. Ali moves against the
ropes and Lyle is pawing at him. Lyle lands a couple decent body shots
but is hit with an Ali right hand. Lyle lands a glancing right.
Lyle's Round- 10-9 (88-84)
Round 10- Lyle jabbing and landing a few body shots. Lyle lands a nice uppercut and right combination. Ali not doing anything this round and takes another right hand. Lyle's Round 10-9 (98-93) Lyle
Round 11- Ali comes out jabbing this round. Ali
lands a big right hand, Lyle is hurt real bad. Lyle is out of it as Ali
pours it on and lands every shot in the book. The referee steps in the
fight is over. Muhammad Ali with a stunning
near one punch knockout gives him a TKO in the 11th round.
Ali-TKO 11
Muhammad Ali really looked out of it for most of this fight, just going through the motions. He landed a real sneaky right hand, and all of a sudden Ron Lyle was out of it, usually it takes more then one punch to really hurt an opponent for Ali, but this time it was one punch. Ali would go on to make many more title defenses and have wars with Joe Frazier, Earnie Shavers and Ken Norton in his future. Ron Lyle would never again fight for a title, but would engage in wars with Earnie Shavers and George Foreman in his next two bouts before lowering his competition.